Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy What data do we collect?

Privacy and data protection policy

• Personal identification information that is entered by you onto my website or added when filling out your booking form sent to you via email – Name, DOB, phone numbers, email, medical conditions, next of kin contact information

• Images

How do we collect your data?

• You may provide the data we collect when booking a service through Email, Facebook, Instagram or in person.

• You may provide the data when you make an enquiry via email, Facebook, Instagram or in person

• Data we collect will be reviewed annually. If you have not used our services or visited our websites during that time, your data will be permanently removed.

How do we use your data?

Our company collects your data so we can:

• Process your order

• Manage your account

• Email you with special offers, products or services which we feel you would like.

We will never share your information with any third party

How do we store your data?

Your electronic data is stored within a secure and locked laptop through google forms and our booking site, bookwhen.

No paper data is stored.


Our company would like to send you information about the services which we feel you may like in the form of email. If you have agreed to accept marketing material you can opt out of this at any time by sending an email saying opt out of marketing.

If you have agreed to the use of images for marketing purposes you can opt out of this at any time.

What are your rights?

Every user is entitled to the following:

o The right to be informed about the collection of your data.

o The right to access–you have a right to request copies of all data we hold on your personal file.

o The right to rectification–You have the right to request that our company correct any information you believe to be inaccurate and to complete any information you believe to be incomplete

o The right to erasure–You have the right to request that our company erase all personal data under certain conditions.

o The right to restrict processing–You have the right to request that our company restricts the processing of your personal data under certain conditions.

o The right to object to personal processing – You have the right to object to our company’s processing of your personal data under certain conditions.

o The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data we have collected to another organisation, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we will respond within one calendar month. if you would like to exercise any of these rights please email rosewtherapies@gmail.com

Changes to our privacy policy

This policy will be updated annually from August 2020 unless changes in the law require otherwise.

How to contact us:

Email: rosewtherapies@gmail.com


The full amount is payable at the time of booking a course or workshop to confirm a place. Medical/Permission forms must be submitted by parents/carers attending any course at Rose Wellbeing Therapies. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform the instructor of any changes to the Medical/Permission form on a weekly basis.  Payments are made via our booking website bookwhen and can be via Stripe.

Holistic Therapies are payable at the time of booking or at the end of your appointment, this can be arranged before booking. Please inform me of any medical conditions previous to attending your appointment.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Cancellation within two weeks of the course start date or withdrawing during a course is classed as a cancellation and no refund will be given for the course or remaining classes. Cancellation within 72 hours of a special event/workshop will result in no refund or transfer to future events/worskhsops. I reserve the right to cancel a course/workshop if there is a problem with the venue or the class size. In the event of cancellation made by Rose Wellbeing Therapies due to venue/class size problems, a full refund will be given. If classes/groups are cancelled due to any local lockdowns/restrictions or COVID illness these classes will be moved online, any transfers will be at the discretion of Rose Wellbeing Therapies and are non-refundable.

Cancellation of Holistic Therapy appointments within 72 hours will result in a 50% payment required. If Rose Wellbeing Therapies needs to cancel any appointments these will be fully refunded.

Absence due to sickness
Refunds/discounts/transfers are not given for sessions missed within a course due to sickness. We can however arrange for you to attend the next available class/group that has spaces, so that you can catch up on any missed classes, only if this option is available.

Photographs will only be taken of you and your baby if you have agreed by submitting the medical/permission form via google forms. Any photographs taken in the classes will be used for advertising and marketing purposes only. We will never take photographs of your baby during massage when they are fully naked, only when they are wearing a nappy and/or clothes and only if you have given your consent. Parents are permitted to take photographs of their child but only their child during classes.

Your contact information and family details will not be shared with any third parties. I reserve the right to update fees and terms and conditions in the future.

Hygiene measures Suite 16, Galloway House, The Crichton:

  • Hand sanitiser available upon arrival
  • Tea/coffee is provided under the catering guidelines and risk assessment of Rose Wellbeing Therapies

Personal safety:

  • A mask to mat policy is in place for indoor classes and social distancing measures are in place at any indoor and outdoor classes/groups.
  • Hand sanitiser will be provided on entry and available at more than one area within our room or outdoor area.
  • Participants will be encouraged not to share equipment or personal belongings with other participants.
  • If classes/groups are cancelled due to any local lockdowns/restrictions or COVID illness these classes will be moved online or future credit will be given and are non-refundable.
  • Rose Wellbeing Therapies will sanitise all equipment before and after every class/group including mats, resources, toys, door handles and oil bottles. This will include steam cleaning.
  • Self service Baby weighing – There will be sanitiser and reusable wash cloths to disinfect the scales before and after each use

Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights in or arising out of or in connection with the services will be owned by me.

Music & Movement, Outdoor Music & Movement, Blossoming Babies, Play & Blossom, Play & Blossom, The Messy Way, Soft Play & Sensory, Toddler Development are terms copyrighted by Rose Wellbeing Therapies in relation to arranging/conducting classes/workshops/sessions and the provision of these services in relation to parental support.

You may not use theses terms in relation to the above without prior written consent from Rose Wellbeing Therapies.

Medical Disclaimer:

Rose Wellbeing Therapies offers services related to Reiki, sound healing, and crystals. It is important to note that these holistic practices are complementary and alternative modalities and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Individual Responsibility:

Clients acknowledge that participation in Reiki, sound healing, and crystal sessions is entirely voluntary. Clients are encouraged to consult with their healthcare provider before beginning any new holistic practices, especially if they have pre-existing medical conditions or concerns.

No Medical Claims:

Rose Wellbeing Therapies makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the effectiveness of Reiki, sound healing, or crystals for treating specific medical conditions. These modalities are intended to support overall well-being and balance, but results may vary from person to person.

Informed Consent:

Clients agree to participate in these sessions with full awareness and understanding that the services provided are not a substitute for professional medical care.

Release of Liability:

By engaging in Reiki, sound healing, or crystal sessions with Rose Wellbeing Therapies, clients release Rose Wellbeing Therapies and its practitioners from any liability for any adverse effects or consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the sessions.